Welcome to my journey to be normal!

"Normal" has always been an enigma to me. Always the class clown, akward with glasses in 3rd grade, and overweight (and even sometimes obese) for as long as I can remember. I want and need to make some changes so that I can be normal. I've been on this journey for about three years, but now it's time to make those last steps to my destination.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


There they are.  Just sitting there.  Staring at me.  All I can do is think about THEM.  They're so pretty!  And there are so many of them.  They're taunting me.  All fancy and beautiful.  They're so close - I can almost touch them.

Chocolate-covered pretzels.  A whole basket of them.  Big ones.  Some have nuts on them too.  Oh, and there are even some chocolate-covered oreos and rice krispie treats.

They're all I've thought about since yesterday afternoon.

Not about how wonderful they are - but how afraid I am of them.

Luckily they didn't arrive until about an hour before I was leaving them for the night.  But I thought about them all night.  And then all morning, even while I was doing my morning work-out.  

How on earth would I get through 8 hours of their wonderfulness without eating one?

I knew that I couldn't have just one.  Not an addict like me.

(I can see them right now, out of the corner of my eye.  "Jen!  Over here!  We're lonely!")

Why can't I be "normal?"  I'm sure that the other women in my office aren't thinking about them.  I haven't seen anyone even near them today.  Why can't I just have one and then that would be the end of it?  

I'm angry that they have so much control over me.  

But not for long.  

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