Welcome to my journey to be normal!

"Normal" has always been an enigma to me. Always the class clown, akward with glasses in 3rd grade, and overweight (and even sometimes obese) for as long as I can remember. I want and need to make some changes so that I can be normal. I've been on this journey for about three years, but now it's time to make those last steps to my destination.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

WTF is wrong with me?

Sorry - I know it's been a while since I posted last.  Not that many people are even reading this, but I started this to help myself, and even I haven't been here.  Ugh.

Last time I posted, I had made some big announcement that I had decided to do WW on my own - that I was committed to losing weight again.  I was right on with points for 5 days, and I worked out 4 of the 5.  Then the weekend came, and once again, I pigged out.  I had planned to eat my Flex points on Saturday - our group of friends had our annual lobster bake.  I did overeat, but we only have this event once a year and it's the only time I get certain foods.

Then came Sunday.  It was just a nice day to hang out with my daughter and my parents (hubby was out for the day.)  So what did I do?  Got pizza for lunch, and then snacked all day on NOTHING at my parents' house.  I mean, did I REALLY want or need cheese popcorn, or plain crackers, or 4 pieces of Halloween candy?  I didn't have one vegetable the whole day (unless you count the 2 Tbsp of sauerkraut that was stuck to the huge piece of fatty pork that I ate.) 

So what the F is wrong with me???

I've been getting up at 5:30 A.M. to work out before work.  I've been bringing strange, but low-point, items to work for lunch (like really, do I WANT to eat a can of beets for lunch?  NO.)  I've been making healthy dinners.  I've been listening to my daughter whine when we don't have any sweets in the house.

What the F is so good about plain crackers and cheese popcorn that I would eat that junk, when I'm totally sabotaging all the good work I do all week?

NOTHING!  I have to get in my head and see what is keeping me from succeeding.  We're not all fortunate enough to have Jillian Michaels come to our house and yell that we're good enough to do this.  Why do I believe her when she says that I can do 100 jumping jacks - but can't believe in myself?

I HAVE to focus this week.  I have to get rid of these demons in my head.


1 comment:

  1. First of all, a can of beets for lunch?! Blech! Okay, to be fair, I'm no fan of beets. If you're not either, I say don't eat the suckers. There are other things you can have that will be more satisfying and also low-calorie. You've done quite well so far, right? I think there must be something out there to spark up your mojo again. What if you just commit to a full-on hard-core week of tracking all your calories/points and all your activity? Even if you screw up, write it down. Sometimes you'll take a look at it and say, as you did in this post, "What the F?!" And sometimes that's enough to get you back on track RIGHT THEN. When you screw up, don't wait til the next day to get back on track. I know you know all this, but sometimes we just need somebody to whack us in the head with it a little. Don't give up. Keep going!
