Welcome to my journey to be normal!

"Normal" has always been an enigma to me. Always the class clown, akward with glasses in 3rd grade, and overweight (and even sometimes obese) for as long as I can remember. I want and need to make some changes so that I can be normal. I've been on this journey for about three years, but now it's time to make those last steps to my destination.

Monday, October 4, 2010

And so it begins.

Day One.  Numero Uno.  #1.  It's here.  Thank goodness.

Had my Last Meal - well, Meals - over the weekend.  Why do I need to that?  Well, no worrying about it now, because it's done and behind me.  Had all of my favorites - pizza, wings, pumpkin spice coffee, breadsticks, a huge cupcake.  Not that I can't have these things on my journey, just in moderation.

I stepped on the scale this morning and was VERY lucky to have only gained about 6 pounds since July - I don't know how that is, but I'll take it.  I'm ready for a new, and hopefully the last, start.

It's just in time too.  Seems that my unhappiness with myself was really taking a toll on others around me, mostly by hubby.  I've been snapping at him a lot the past few weeks and he finally let me know that it was making him unhappy too.  Wow, did I feel really bad.  I made a promise that I'm done.  Sick of it.  Moving on in my life and our lives.

Today I'm having lunch with my WW friend - we can't start the actual meeting yet, but we're getting started today.  We both weighed in over the weekend and we both need this new start.

Let the journey begin!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, yes, I go nuts with a food frenzy in the days/week leading up to every time I've set out to lose weight. Not that it's good, but for me it helps me not obsess over what I didn't get "one last time." Hope it worked for you too.
