Welcome to my journey to be normal!

"Normal" has always been an enigma to me. Always the class clown, akward with glasses in 3rd grade, and overweight (and even sometimes obese) for as long as I can remember. I want and need to make some changes so that I can be normal. I've been on this journey for about three years, but now it's time to make those last steps to my destination.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The power of the mind

A friend and I have made plans to rejoin Weight Watchers through our workplace, and the meetings don't begin until October 4th.  We decided last week to join up again through work.  Both of us had joined about 3 years ago - we both did well, but she didn't keep up with it as much as I have.  We know it's the best thing for both of us to actually attend meetings and have someone checking up on us.

So, with 2 weeks until the meetings begin, my brain somehow flipped a switch into "party mode" and I've been eating everything in sight.  And just plain binging.  I mean, Cheerios are NOT that good - there is certainly no need to eat 2 heaping bowls for an evening snack.

Why can't my mind be "normal" about food?  What makes me think that it's a good idea to just eat with no purpose right before I'm going to start my meetings?  And why do I even think that I'm "starting" something, when I've really been working on this already for 3 years?

I really hope to find out these answers soon.  I can't keep going on through life like this. 


  1. It's probably a good idea to remind yourself that you'll have to work to take the "party" weight off too. Remind yourself often. :)

  2. Hey, Jen! Found you through your comment on "AlltheWeigh" and am happy to get in on the ground floor of your blog! I turned 40 in March, and I realize how that milestone can make you think about where you are in life. When I knew I was going to join WW again, I went into a feeding frenzy too. The upside is you won't be thinking about what you didn't have "one last time" but the downside is you get that much more far behind.

    I'm just starting my blog too over the last few weeks. I'd love for us to cheer each other on. I need all the support I can get! I'm at www.fathairday.blogspot.com.
