Welcome to my journey to be normal!

"Normal" has always been an enigma to me. Always the class clown, akward with glasses in 3rd grade, and overweight (and even sometimes obese) for as long as I can remember. I want and need to make some changes so that I can be normal. I've been on this journey for about three years, but now it's time to make those last steps to my destination.

Friday, October 1, 2010

The march to life

When I was first thinking about my post for today (in the bathroom, putting on make-up - where I do my best thinking) I was going to title it "the march of death."  As I've been writing about this week, I am "starting back" to Weight Watchers on Monday with a friend.  My 3 months of debauchary are coming to an end.  I've been on a week-long binge, eating all of my favorites that I won't be eating when I'm on death-row.  I even stopped this morning for my last pumpkin spice latte, one of my favorite things about the fall.

But when I really thought about it, it's really the opposite.  This is my March to LIFE!  (Another) beginning to being normal.  I'm so close.  I have to get out of this mentality that it's a bad thing, because that couldn't be farther from the truth.  I need that switch in my brain to move over to healthy mode. 

I think my main issue is that I keep thinking back to where I once was.  When I started this 3 years ago, I was about 250 pounds.  Right now, I"m about 60 pounds less than that!  That 250 pound woman is not me, and it never will be me again.  The other night I was cleaning out a closet and I came across my old weigh-in cards from when I was doing WW.  I usually hold on to that kinds of stuff as a record as to what I've done.  But I decided that they were literally weighing me down.  I will never go back to that.  Yes, I've accomplished A LOT, but I need to start over from now.

In a way, it's like I'm punishing myself for where I've been when I should be very proud of what I've done.  And I'm going to do it again.

Marching on.....


1 comment:

  1. I realize it might not be exactly what you normally get, but you could still get close. Starbucks pumpkin spice latte - skim milk and no whip - a tall size is 200 calories, 0 fat, 0 fiber, for 4 WW points. Not too bad! So you can still have your favorite. That actually sounds like a pretty good little treat to me. I might have to try it this weekend. Love Starbucks!
